Friday, March 13, 2009

Sponsorship and an interesting weekend...

This weekend could cause me my first real issues. I have a birthday night out both tonight and tomorrow night - so it will become an interesting choice as to which one I will drink on. I still have time to decide so it'll probably become a spur of the moment decision which I hope I won't regret on Saturday night!

I am however drinking more coke at work, so evenings out drinking more coke will not be pleasant so I am in the market for a new non-alcoholic beverage.

The rest of this week was easy, I didn't succumb to the demon drink. Instead I managed to play pool without the influence of alcohol and although I lost overall I feel I had a moral victory.

On the idea of sponsorship... which someone raised in the comments of the last post - this is something that I will consider. I could call it a "Quitathon" which I’m sure could catch on. If there is more interest in donating or sponsoring me then let me know and I will investigate further.

On a side note - from a discussion I’ve had today I may be including a liverometer to show the good that this is doing to me...

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