Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Grand National Weekend

Well this weekend was an interesting one.

On friday night i met up with a friend as his dad had died the weekend before, this led to a rather understated night where everyone around me drank copiously... I instead was on the water, which was actually a really nice change to all the sugary rubbish i'd been drinking before. It would've been an easy time to fail - but drinking never really crossed my mind - even when i was at the bar buying my brother a pint...

Saturday was interesting, i had forgotten completely about the Grand National and was expecting a nice quiet Saturday after going into town to buy some sunglasses. However, i met up with a couple of deviants and with 5 mins to go managed to put a few bets on. Given that i didn't have enough time to do it properly i put the bets on to win... So naturally i was a little put out when two of my five horses came in second and fourth...

That evening was spent playing poker with the deviants, as they were gradually getting drunk i was enjoying some Irn Bru. We weren't playing for much and i was happy to say that although there were some unfeasable flops, and somehow bullets just couldn't beat anything, I only ended up one pound down.

Sunday was spent mostly in the sun, i did some gardening before I went into town to watch the Mighty Villa against Man U. It was a fantastic game, and even though the last 10 mins were irritating and we lost - it was a great performance from us and inconceivable that we didn't take anything from the game.

After that i went to my friends house and just chilled out for a couple of hours before heading home.

So another weekend where there was a lot going on, and many opportunities to have a drink and yet i stayed strong. Its still early days yet - but its good to know i'm able to face drunken deviants, depressed friends, and poker nights without having a drink.

This wagon is comfortable.

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