Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Last Weekend.

Well, Last weekend was spent mostly sleeping as for some reason I am just so tired at the moment.

Friday night was the perfect example - I came straight home from work so I could take a power nap before going out for my sister's boyfriend's birthday - and proceeded to sleep through until the morning...

This was really annoying as I'd been looking forwards to this night out for a while - and from all accounts it was a good one.

I saw this for myself on Saturday as I arranged to meet my sister and a few guys for lunch - and they were ridiculously hungover. One of the guys couldn't even eat - and we had some really good tapas.

The day started to drag on after a while - everyone was recovering and so the rest of the day was spent just messing around.

Sunday I did some gardening - that is all...

This week I've been doing 2 people's jobs and it sucks ass.

But I'm not one to complain so I guess thats it for now.

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