Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Weekend.

Well, this weekend was basically wasted... But it was relaxing and in parts very funny.

My phone broke again Thursday night which sucked - this time the screen just suddenly stopped working... so I'm currently using the worst phone in the world that has a set call volume which means I can barely hear who it is I'm talking to.

However, it only took 1 email to get this sorted - to the O2 complaints department and I've got an N95 on its way to me as a replacement. Not the phone of choice but a ready alternative - lets just hope that works...

Friday I didn't go out for once, it was one of those days at work where there was nothing to do and I almost fell asleep a few times. I wasn't allowed to leave early to go to my opticians however as I couldn't find cover which was an arse and the day took forever but it wasn't too bad.

Friday night I had to tidy things up and create space for my Sister who's moving back home - I must admit I was having a very lazy day so I didn't end up doing much...

Saturday was an all action and all comedy day. It started at 12 when I really should have been up and heading into town to meet some friends - this didn't happen as I was being lazy... I ended up going in at 4 to watch the football - England vs Kazakhstan which kicked off at 4 so I only watched the second half, which was good as the game was pretty poor - it had 4 goals but minimal entertainment...

After this I went to meet some friends, one of whom was up from the West Country for the weekend. These boys are deviants, complete and utter reprobates - and as their drinks were flowing it was absolute comedy gold, we went from talking about fishing, the cost of motorcycle repairs, and investing money to some comedy bar billiards, screaming, shouting and swearing very loudly in the space of two pints... And the funniest and most effective case of peer pressure I have ever seen.

At times I was almost wetting myself with laughter at these boys, all of whom were getting very raucous and loud drunks... As I didn't have a single drink all i could do is laugh at these guys. It was very entertaining but as the afternoon turned into the evening the novelty was wearing thin... so I left around 8.30 still laughing at them for more tidying and rearranging.

Sunday was a good day, my sister came back home to sort more of her room out - and we had a roast - for the first time in ages which was tremendous. After an afternoon of digesting in front of the tv we rocked out the Wii Fit for ma and my sister and its got to be said that watching people try the hula hooping is hilarious.

The evening was spent getting my geek on and sorting out my laptop again... I must say that its an absolute pleasure to have a laptop so small you can carry it everywhere. Although there are some limits as to where I will take it...

All in all a relaxing and hilarious weekend with a gran total of 0 drinks again.

3 months down, 11 drinks in total had since the 2nd of March. 9 months to go - 36 drinks available - with a stag do, wedding, holidays and my own birthday still coming... its going to be a very interesting time...

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